How Genetics Plays a Part in Our Hair

How Genetics Plays a Part in Our Hair

Posted by Thymuskin® on Apr 5th 2022

From hair texture to color thickness of each strand, our genes play a major part in determining growth and patterns of our hair. Our genes vary from person to person and even from region to region. For example, straight hair in people in Asia is not the same as straight hair in people from Europe. And just like there are genes that one may have that allows them to have long curly blond hair, there are also genes that may allow certain individuals to develop baldness.

What are genetics and how does it work?

In order to fully grasp the diversity of hair and why everyone is different in general, it is important to first understand genetics as a whole and the concept behind it.

We all possess 46 chromosomes in which we obtain half from our maternal side and the other half from our paternal side. In these chromosomes we have hundreds of thousands of different genes that make us who we are. The chromosomes and genes are called genotypes which make up our genetic code, the way they are expressed outwardly is called phenotype.

Some genes are enough to control a certain trait while most genes have to interact with each other in order to control other phenotype characteristics. Alleles are what is passed down from both parents to their children for the same trait. Traits can come off as either being homozygous, which means the alleles are the same; or they can be heterozygous, meaning that they give off two different alleles for the same trait. Homozygous traits will show up as dominant and will be expressed, heterozygous can either show up as a combination or have one allele that might be more expressed than the next and, in that case, the dominant one will be shown.

How do genes play a role in baldness?

When it comes to hair loss, although it occurs mostly in men, it can affect anyone, and genetics can have a huge impact on baldness. Male pattern baldness stems from the biological sex chromosomes, X and Y. These specific chromosomes out of our 46 that we inherit, are the ones that determine our sex. Women have two X’s while men have an X and a Y. The X chromosome is inherited from our maternal side for both males and females and for just females from the paternal side, while the Y is inherited from the paternal side for males.

In regard to pattern baldness, there have been studies that suggest that the X chromosomes have a variety of genes that code for baldness, therefore suggesting this may be more of a genetic component. Women will often experience baldness later in life from other factors while men tend to experience it in early adulthood. However, baldness can also stem from many other components as well.

Hormonal changes. Usually in women occurs after menopause, childbirth and pregnancy and can occur in both males and females with thyroid issues.

Alopecia areata. Immune condition that causes patchy hair loss.

Trichotillomania. Mental condition which causes hair pulling.

Medications and supplements. Medications that treat depression, heart disease, arthritis, and cancer have side effects that lead to loss of hair.

Certain hairstyles. Hairstyles such as ponytails can cause stress to the hair and lead to baldness.

Medical conditions. Ringworms and alopecia are two major conditions that can lead to hair loss.

Radiation therapy. Although this type of treatment kills off the cancer cells, it also destroys both normal and fast-moving cells, such as those found in hair follicles, leading to baldness. Usually once therapy is completed, normal hair growth will resume over time.

Stress. Physical and mental stress can lead to hair loss.

Nutritional deficiencies. Not consuming adequate amounts of protein and other essential nutrients can have a negative effect on hair growth and lead to baldness as well.

Although genetics has a huge impact on hair texture, growth, and color, it is important to note that other influences outside of our genes can affect our hair. Ensuring that we are consuming quality nutrients, managing stress, avoiding certain hairstyles and medications that might result in hair loss, and adding products like Thymuskin® to your daily routine, can have a positive effect. Thymuskin® products are silicone, paraben, and bovine free and help fight thinning hair for people who experience balding due to either genetics or chemotherapy.

Losing hair is a natural process in our everyday lives. You can comb your hair and see many dead-end strands in them. However, if you are losing more than normal that can be caused by forces outside of genetics, it is best to see your doctor and determine the best course of treatment for you. Our genetics code for thousands of traits that make each of us unique and it sometimes can include the good, the bad, and the ugly. It is best to keep embracing yourself no matter what and live your life to the fullest.

Best Product For Genetic Hair Loss


  1. Genetics, C. R. I. (n.d.). Do you get your hair genes from mom or dad? CRI Geneticsâ¢. Retrieved February 24, 2022, from