Hidden Causes of Hair Thinning In Women

Hidden Causes of Hair Thinning In Women

Posted by Thymuskin® on Mar 9th 2023

Hair thinning in women is a major issue that is responsible for unexplained hair loss. It is a widespread issue, with 40% of women having been affected by it by the age of 40. Unexplained hair loss due to hair thinning is a devastating experience for any person, and so it’s important to know what hair thinning is, what causes it, and how you can fight against it!

What Exactly Is Hair Thinning?

The loss of hair density on your scalp is known as thinning hair. This phenomenon indicates that your hair follicles are getting smaller, which can cause the hair on your scalp to become short and thin. Now, you must not mistake normal hair fall with hair loss due to thinning hair. Losing 100-150 hairs a day is considered as normal hair fall, but it can be a red flag when you experience significant hair fall all day long and your scalp is getting visible.

Fortunately, hair thinning is usually treatable if you can find what’s causing it. The downside is that what causes hair thinning in females can be difficult to find out. We are here to let you know about some of the hidden causes of hair thinning in women.

What Causes Thinning Hair In Females?

The first step in treating hair loss from thinning hair is to find out what can cause thinning hair, particularly in females.

Below we’ll be discussing some of the hidden causes of hair thinning in women, and what can be done to prevent it.


One of the most common yet hidden causes of thinning hair is stress. Credible studies have shown that stress hormones can affect your genes in the hair follicles to stop hair growth. While stress can be directly responsible for hair loss, it is also indirectly responsible for it as it’s a major factor for many chronic diseases that can accelerate hair loss.

Exercise, meditation, prayer, gardening, time in nature, spending time with friends and loved ones, journaling, creating art, and breath work are a few self-care techniques that should be practiced everyday to reduce stress and have a positive impact on your hair health, thus reducing the effects of thinning hair.

Nutrient Deficiency

It's been claimed that our physical well-being reflects on the outside. This is why traditional medical systems from long ago, like Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda (Indian traditional medicine), teach their practitioners to examine things like our skin, eyes, tongues, and nails in order to identify illnesses.

The following nutrients are very important for hair health:

  • Vitamin C
  • Iron
  • B-Vitamins, especially B12 and B7 (Biotin)
  • Zinc Protein Vitamin D
  • CoQ10\sCopper

Your look and hair thickness may be negatively impacted if you lack or have insufficient levels of any of these.

Hormonal Issues

In addition to thyroid hormone problems, the health of the hair follicles is significantly influenced by hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, DHT, insulin, growth hormone, and testosterone.

Identification and effective treatment of these problems depend on symptomatology and thorough hormonal lab testing.

The most significant living adjustments you may make to aid with hormone imbalances include the elimination of hormone-disrupting substances from your kitchen and home as well as eating to support hormonal health.

Endocrine-disrupting substances are generally found in meals high in pesticides and herbicides as well as chemical-based home items (cleaners, air fresheners, personal care products, insecticides, laundry products, etc.).


It doesn't help much to be advised that hair loss is inherited; but you just may have to cope with it.

Even so, we should always dig a little further to attempt and understand why symptoms like thinning hair started running in your family in the first place.

Was there a genetic mutation that changed your mother's or grandmother's ability to digest important nutrients required for healthy hair? Testing for nutrients can help us identify this.

Was there a thyroid ailment that wasn't known? Because the thyroid health of a mother may affect subsequent generations.

You don't have to be a victim of heredity! To discover and treat any underlying genetic or inherited disorders, it's important to find a reputable physician with epigenetics training.

Heredity Hair Loss

What Can Aid In Prevention of Thinning Hair In Women?

In addition to a healthy lifestyle, specialised hair products, medicines, light therapy, and aesthetic surgeries can all aid in preventing thinning hair.

Because your hair is an extension of your body, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is essential for hair health. These are some actions you can take:

  • Consume a balanced diet.
  • Healthy stress management is important.
  • Reduce the number of products you use, heat styling, and hair treatments.
  • Avoid the sun's rays with your hair and scalp.
  • Get adequate rest.
  • See your doctor frequently for preventative healthcare.


In conclusion, women who experience hair loss may find it upsetting and disappointing, but if the cause can be identified, the condition is typically treatable. Stress, dietary deficiencies, hormone imbalances, and heredity are some of the many factors that contribute to hair thinning in women. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial, even if there are several treatments to help women prevent thinning hair, including specialised hair products, medications, light therapy, and aesthetic procedures.

Women can actively prevent and manage hair loss by maintaining a healthy diet, managing stress, minimizing hair treatments, and visiting the doctor frequently for preventative healthcare.