Ingredients in Shampoo to Look Out For

Ingredients in Shampoo to Look Out For

Posted by Thymuskin® on Jun 10th 2022

There are many types of shampoos with various purposes and ingredients. There are shampoos and conditioners that are used for just straight, curly, or even balding hair while others are used to shine or even help with thickening or straightening hair. Whatever the purpose is, there are different ingredients in shampoos that can be either good or bad for your hair.

What are the main ingredients in shampoos?

The common types of ingredients that are found in shampoos are:

● Detergents. All shampoos must at least have a detergent or cleansing agent to get rid of any buildup of dirt, oil, and odor.

● Surfactants. These are drying agents that typically work with detergents to help remove oil from your hair. They create lather and give off the impression that hair is clean. Some common surfactants are sodium lauryl sarcosinate, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), and sodium laureth sulfate (SLES).

● Preservatives. These stop mold and other bacteria from growing in your shampoo. Most common preservatives are sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate, and parabens.

● Thickeners. Their purpose is to increase the flow of the shampoo, so it isn’t too watery.

● Emollients. This balances the shampoo by helping hair follicles retain some moisture that is mainly lost from the surfactants.

What are some ingredients to look out for?

There are both good and bad ingredients that are used in shampoos. It is best to know what to look out for when searching for a shampoo.

The Good

Anything that is organic or natural will be your go to when it comes to searching for the right shampoo products. Harmful ingredients can severely damage hair, so it is best to look for the following ingredients that help your hair to grow and are gentler on the scalp as well.

● Essential oils

● Aloe

● Coconut oil

● Organic honey

● Olive

● Green Tea

● Organic hemp

The Bad

Just like there are ingredients that can help your hair to grow and become healthy, there are also certain ones that can cause damage to the scalp as well and should be avoided if possible.

● Silicone. With consistent use, silicone can build up in your hair, which results in a dull appearance and dryness. Your hair may also become weak and more susceptible to damage.

● Formaldehyde. This has been used as a preservative in certain shampoo products. It can not only worsen existing skin conditions, but it is also listed as a human carcinogen or agent that can cause cancer.

● Parabens. Parabens are another type of preservatives typically used in shampoos. However, evidence suggests that parabens are absorbed in the body through the skin and leading to not only causing skin conditions but causing hormonal imbalances as well.

● Hexachlorophene. This is used in many different cosmetic products and has antibacterial properties as well. However, it can cause eye and skin irritation and if swallowed can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps.

● Phthalates. Typically, this is used to make plastic more flexible but in cosmetics it is used as a binding agent. However, the issue with phthalates has been linked to disruption in hormones and infertility. Other research has shown that it has been linked to kidneys, liver, thyroid, and immune system problems as well.

Overall, shampoos and conditioners are needed for the hair to remove dirt buildup in the scalp and lead to healthy hair. However, it is important to read the ingredients on the back and make sure they are right for your hair. Going for products, like Thymuskin, that are made with your thinning hair in mind, free of silicone, parabens, and bovine, will lead to healthier hair overall.

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