How To Care For Hair Follicles After Chemotherapy?

How To Care For Hair Follicles After Chemotherapy?

Posted by Thymuskin® on Apr 28th 2023

Chemotherapy is a popular cancer treatment. It works by concentrating on rapidly growing cells in the body, particularly cancer cells. Sadly, because hair follicles are fast-growing cells, chemotherapy can cause hair loss. Hair loss can be upsetting for many individuals, but it's important to remember that it's a transitory side effect of chemotherapy. Hair growth typically resumes a few weeks following treatment. The new hair, on the other hand, can vary in texture, color, and thickness. This post will go through hair care after chemotherapy strategies to promote healthy hair development and improve the general health of your scalp.

In this article, we will go through some important tips for hair care after chemotherapy to promote healthy hair growth and improve the overall health of your scalp.

Understanding Hair Follicles

Hair follicles are tiny, tube-like structures found in the skin. They are responsible for hair production and are made up of several layers of cells. Hair growth is a cyclical process with three stages: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Hair develops rapidly during the anagen period. The hair follicle shrinks and hair growth slows during the catagen phase. Ultimately, the hair follicle rests and the hair falls out during the telogen phase.

Chemotherapy has the potential to harm hair follicles by disrupting the hair development cycle. Chemotherapy medications target rapidly growing cells, including hair follicles. This can result in hair loss, thinning, and brittleness. Depending on the kind and amount of chemotherapy, hair loss can be transient or permanent.

Post-Chemotherapy Hair Care

Scalp Care

Hair development is dependent on the health of your scalp. A healthy scalp encourages healthy hair development, whereas an unhealthy scalp might stifle growth. Here are some scalp care suggestions for hair care after chemotherapy:

  • Employ a nutritious and mild scalp moisturizer when applying moisture. Aloe vera, chamomile, and jojoba oil are among the substances to look for. These components might ease your scalp discomfort and encourage strong hair development.
  • Techniques for massage: Massaging your scalp can help to increase blood flow and encourage strong hair growth. Gently massage your scalp with your fingertips. A scalp massager can also be used to make it more pleasant.
  • Choose the best hair products for your scalp: When selecting hair products for your scalp, search for products that are soft and devoid of harsh chemicals. Products with sulfates, parabens, and phthalates should be avoided.

Gentle Hair Care

When your hair begins to grow back after chemotherapy, it is critical that you treat it lovingly. Your hair and scalp are sensitive, and aggressive treatment might cause additional hair loss and damage. Here are some gentle hair care tips for hair care after chemotherapy:

  • Employ a moderate, sulfate-free shampoo that is gentle on your hair and scalp when shampooing. Hot water should not be used as it will dry out your scalp and hair. Instead, wash your hair in lukewarm water.
  • Use loose hair ties or clips instead of tight ones to prevent breaking and additional hair loss. Instead, choose free-flowing hairstyles that won't overwork your hair.
  • Avoid using hot styling products: Hot style appliances, such curling and straightening irons, can weaken and damage your hair. Till your hair has fully grown back, stay away from using them.

Nutritional Support

Consuming a nutritious, well-balanced diet is also beneficiall for maintaining good hair development, especially after chemotherapy. Proper food intake can supply the necessary building blocks for healthy hair development. The following nutrients are required for hair growth:

  • Protein, biotin, iron, and vitamin D are all nutrients necessary for a healthy hair growth cycle. Include these nutrients in your diet if possible.
  • Include foods like salmon, avocado, almonds, spinach, and sweet potatoes in your diet because they are all high in nutrients that support good hair development. Strive to consistently include these foods in your diet.


If you aren't getting enough critical nutrients from your diet, you should think about taking supplements. The following nutrients can assist encourage healthy hair growth:

Supplemental Biotin: Biotin is a B vitamin that is necessary for normal hair development. Consuming biotin tablets might help your hair get thicker and stronger.

Supplemental Iron: Iron is necessary for wholesome hair growth. Taking iron supplements can help your hair stay healthy and encourage strong hair growth if you have an iron deficiency.

How To Stimulate Hair Growth After Chemo

If you're looking to stimulate hair growth after chemotherapy, there are several strategies you can try. Here are some tips for stimulating hair growth:

Essential oils: Essential oils like lavender, rosemary, and peppermint can help stimulate hair growth. Mix a few drops of essential oil with a carrier oil, like jojoba or coconut oil, and massage the mixture into your scalp.

Hair growth products: There are many hair growth products available that contain ingredients like minoxidil and caffeine. These ingredients can help stimulate hair growth and improve the health of your hair.

Low-level laser therapy: Low-level laser therapy involves using a device that emits low levels of light to stimulate hair growth. This treatment has been shown to be effective in stimulating hair growth after chemotherapy.

Some FAQ’s About Hair Care After Chemotherapy

Q: Will my hair regrow after chemotherapy with the same texture and color as before?

A: After chemotherapy, hair may have a different texture, color, or thickness. Hair frequently regrows thicker, thinner, curlier, or more straightly than it did prior to chemotherapy. The majority of the time, though, hair will eventually revert to its original texture and color.

Q: After chemotherapy, when will my hair begin to grow back, and how long will it take for it to do so completely?

A: A few weeks after chemotherapy is finished, hair typically begins to come back. Yet, each person has a different time frame for when their hair will totally regrow. The full growth of hair can take several months to a year or longer.

Q: Should I avoid using any certain hair care products after chemotherapy?

A: Hair follicles may be delicate and sensitive after chemotherapy. It's better to stay away from harsh hair products that can harm your scalp and hair. Useless products with alcohol, sulfates, and scents should not be used.

Q: After chemotherapy, may I color or straighten my hair?

A: A few months should pass following chemotherapy before you color or perm your hair. During chemotherapy, hair follicles may be delicate and sensitive, so it's crucial to give them time to recuperate. For precise advice on when it is safe to color or perm your hair after chemotherapy, consult your doctor or a hair care expert.


Despite the fact that hair loss is typically only temporary, it's vital to realize that it can be a distressing side effect of chemotherapy. It's crucial to use gentle care products for your hair when it begins to come back and encourage strong hair development. Use the advice in this article to take care of your hair follicles after chemotherapy and encourage strong hair development. Your hair can regrow stronger and healthier than ever with the right treatment.

Disclaimer: The objective of this information is educational use only. The Food & Drug Administration has not reviewed these assertions and THYMUSKIN® is not meant to be used in the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of any illness.

As with any medical information about health, it is always preferable to check with your personal doctor since they are better qualified to give you the best advice because they are the ones who know your medical history the best. Our information, suggestions, or recommendations are not meant to be a replacement for expert medical guidance, a diagnosis, or treatment. Always ask your doctor or another knowledgeable health provider for help when you have any concerns.